keskiviikko 14. helmikuuta 2018

Söpöjä vauvoja

Eikö sitä sanota, että söpö ku sika pienenä? Aini, unohtu, lapselliset, siis sellaset ihmiset, joilla on omia (ihmis)lapsia tai jos olet(te) raskaana, niin ehkä ei hormoonihuuruissa nyt kannata lukee tätä juttua iha loppuun asti :D Mie oon kauhee, tiedän! Se on tavallaa vähä niinku miu sairaan persoonallisuuden suola..

No, tässä ihania eläinvauvoja:



This animal could climb fruit-bearing trees and eat the harvest from various kinds of fruiting tress such us grapes, apples, pears, kiwi, peaches, avocados, figs, mangoes, plums, as well as citrus.

Get your Chihuahua T-Shirt by clicking on the link in my bio (profile)➡@thechihuahualove by @the_life_of_lottie #chihuahua #chihuahuas #chihuahualoved

So new to the world!

Baby Seal.

Anthony: for my thumbnail drawings one of them had a webbed hand, it was inspired by frogs and ducks in which they have webbed feet (well most frogs do)

Cuteness Overload

Day 189 of your daily dose of cute: Happy piggy :)

Nobody can resist the cuteness of baby animals. They are curious, naive, and sometimes funny, just like our kids. You're a hardened person if you can scroll through these baby animals photos without your heart beating fast.

❤️ So cute..and funny! Wait for it..

Ja sitte iha tasa-arvon vuoks ihmisvauva:

A Day In The Life Of An Ugly Renaissance Baby

Hihi :D Ja joku vielä ihmettelee miks mie innostun enemmä jonku koiranpennusta..

(Hyi minä)

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